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Re: STFC Accounts

By Surreysage (Norm)7/10/2021 12:35Thu Oct 7 12:35:19 2021In response to Re: STFC Accounts

Views: 1081

Thanks again Arthur-I do not see the logic of comparing our little clubs accounts with those of the Thames Club. Chalk and Cheese as they say. Much more sense to compare with other football clubs at our level to understand how they operate on and off the pitch.Difficult times for all clubs such as ours however others make a success of it.

Walton and Hersham come to mind-2 relegations in 10 years owner wishes to retire,son does not have time to takeover. Club is passed onto a group of around 6 19 year old students who are regular fans from the terraces.They put forward a plan to the owner which he accepted. That was around 18 months -now around 4/5 th in table and attracting good crowds.

Fans are already contributing through the boost the budget scheme -I think Dixon would get a better press if showed his appreciation to the fans for there efforts by say offering to match the fans donations.A small figure compared to the Dierctors loans figure.

Any way thanks Arthur -must get on with my first module of the Rapid Results account appreciation course. I hopefully will be able to make make educated guesses when looking at future accounts.
Best wishes

Edited by Norm at 12:37:51 on 7th October 2021

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