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Re: STFC Accounts

By Arthur8/10/2021 20:26Fri Oct 8 20:26:32 2021In response to Re: STFC Accounts

Views: 1058

Please remember the videos Joe posted ....... regarding landlord issues. The landlord and their related parties have been giving the club grief for years. They do not want the football club in situ. Legal fees do not come cheap. I am sure the club would welcome any donations to these costs. Also, if the someone you hold dear was being, arguably, unfairly treated - how much would you pay to put things right. Remember Joe has already made a multi million pound offer for the freehold. It is very close to the existing use value shown in the Thames Club 2020 accounts, arguably a reason for the write down in the Thames Club accounts. It was turned down as the land has, possibly (global warming issues for the council) a greater value for a change of use. Joe loves the club, he is trying to spend money we can only dream about to secure the long term future of the football club - and comments like this just shove his efforts back in his face. Are you really old enough to believe that by 2030 you'll be too old for football so **** the Swans? Stop sniping and show some loyalty

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