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Last Night

By Surreysage (Norm)3/11/2021 09:14Wed Nov 3 09:14:49 2021

Views: 1010

Supporters who stayed home in the warm last night missed a treat -end to end stuff -two determined squads -and a historic win for Staines (a good number of years since we progressed this far in cup)

Every one of our players gave 100% +-well done to you all and thanks again for lifting our spirits . Very difficult to give one player the MOM as fine displays all round.Sad that David Pitt came off injured-he so wants to get on the pitch and play -ankle injury continiuing to give him problems.

Heard that R Paul has moved to Ashford (£ I guess) -something we must get use to I think. unless we can get funds into the club to stop this . Come on supporters we must continue to grow the "Boost the Budget" scheme if we are to make progress as a club.

Best wishes to all

Edited by Norm at 09:15:58 on 3rd November 2021
Edited by Norm at 09:17:19 on 3rd November 2021
Edited by Norm at 09:18:06 on 3rd November 2021

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Next article in this thread: Re: Last Night by Arthur4/11/2021 07:44Thu Nov 4 07:44:48 2021

Previous thread: Man of the Match v Brightlingsea Regent 02/11/21 by John Blair5/11/2021 14:31Fri Nov 5 14:31:08 2021view thread