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Re: Last Night

By Surreysage (Norm)4/11/2021 09:19Thu Nov 4 09:19:14 2021In response to Re: Last Night

Views: 820

Quite Agree Arthur-strange to think that as we improve as a squad on the pitch the greater the likelyhood of players being poached by other clubs.

When you say "This means investment-from the club"Do you mean from the club owner .As I see it the only other constituant of "The Club " are the supporters who are already contributing through the -

Boost the Budget
50/50 sales
Programme sales
Gate Money
Food sales

Kevin(New Chairman) is doing a great job holding everything together and working very hard to build bridges ,however without money there is only so much he can do.I am more convinced than ever that if STFC is to survive its down to us supporters to find the money so that the current players have at least there expenses reimbursed.

Best wishes to all

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Next article in this thread: Re: Last Night by Arthur4/11/2021 09:31Thu Nov 4 09:31:27 2021

Previous thread: Man of the Match v Brightlingsea Regent 02/11/21 by John Blair5/11/2021 14:31Fri Nov 5 14:31:08 2021view thread