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Re: Last Night

By Arthur5/11/2021 08:36Fri Nov 5 08:36:26 2021In response to Re: Last Night

Views: 807

How rude to but in on a two way conversation be4tween two old men, especially when hiding behind a pseudonym. your comments about drugs and/or alcohol brought a wry smile to my face (I could just as easily been highly offended). You clearly know the samee amount me as Brian Clough attributed to the football knowledge of the average football club director (sorry Kevin - no offence meant!). I could always empathise with the Verve and their song "the drugs don't work"; for over half my life I was infected with HCV, as was my brother, who sadly did not survive. The best treatment for HCV is no alcohol. I have never been a drinker nor would be. I have also had to take more drugs than you can ever imagine, including drugs administered with needles. Until 2019 nobody came up with anything that worked. I am now, happily HCV free. As for my sources, they are impeccable and like a journalist not to be divulged. However, you need to point to me the accounts which show both the "prize money" and Sky TV fees boosting the club's reserves ........ And to think about the industry in which I worked. Take care, and so that you don't feel too bad:

Lost my cat so spent days looking for her round my village with no luck . Wife sent me out again telling me I need to look a bit harder.
Now pacing the village with a skinhead haircut new face tattoo and a knife in hand.
Wish me luck .

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Next article in this thread: Re: Last Night by Voicefromthepast5/11/2021 18:06Fri Nov 5 18:06:23 2021

Previous thread: Man of the Match v Brightlingsea Regent 02/11/21 by John Blair5/11/2021 14:31Fri Nov 5 14:31:08 2021view thread