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Re: Shameful

By gregs23/11/2021 12:39Tue Nov 23 12:39:48 2021In response to Re: Shameful

Views: 1203

He doesn't love the club - he didn't buy it because he loved it - he bought it as an investment opportunity. If he loved the club then he would have made sure it was able to pay the players to compete at a competitive level and secure that player funding before spending money on anything else. The fixation with Thames Club has nothing to do with how the football club should be run and what they are doing for their investors is neither here nor there. He took a gamble and that doesn't look like it's paying off. The club should be built around the supporters. If his love for the club is as you say then the very least he can do is come out publicly to the supporters and let them know what is actually going on and his plans for the future and how the club is not going to continue to fall down the pyramid.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Shameful by Arthur24/11/2021 08:58Wed Nov 24 08:58:07 2021

Previous thread: Any News by Surreysage23/11/2021 10:47Tue Nov 23 10:47:55 2021view thread