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Re: Shameful

By southstreetswan24/11/2021 10:06Wed Nov 24 10:06:50 2021In response to Re: Shameful

Views: 1020

Arthur I have never supported the current owner he comes across as ruthless arrogant and to be quite frank cold.,,but everything u write is true he has paid to keep club going from the disaster the Boons skilfully created before slipping through the backdoor .. We need to demand an answer as to where the money went from the sale of the land when the club was a trust...................... with regards to communication pretty sure the current owner organised a long video on the accounting side of the problems at the club and was going to fo on BBC radio.. so he is not completely silent.... I cannot say I support the guy nor do I believe that he loves the club he is a business man... but Arthur is correct and his comments are factual and valid, any other argument are the rantings of the over emotional who cannot look at this situation with clarity. LET THE BOONS SHOW US THAT THEY DID NOT SELL US OUT. LET THEM EXPLAIN WHERE THE MONEY WENT FROM THE LAND SALE. THEY WERE THE ONLY TRUSTEES AT THE TIME AND NOT DIRECTORS OF A LIMITED COMPANY. WHO WERE THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST AND IF THE BENEFICIARIES ARE THE FANS AND THE COMMUNITY ...WE MUST DEMAND AN ANSWER AS TO WHAT HAPPENED AT THAT POINT IN TIME... The inevitable Disaster that has eventually followed is a residual effect of this event.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Shameful by lampshade8824/11/2021 10:40Wed Nov 24 10:40:56 2021

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