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Re: Shameful

By southstreetswan24/11/2021 10:54Wed Nov 24 10:54:42 2021In response to Re: Shameful

Views: 1016

'i dont care about the boons that cant be the excuse all the time we lose 4-0' Lampshade88 u don't care that the land was once owned by the club and it got sold off. your a fan of the club which would of made you a trustee at the time. you have a right to know where that money went. all of us do. if we had our own stadium and bar we wouldn't be getting beaten 4-0 and we wouldn't be losing our best players.. fact.. you are right to be angry we all are but we have to focus on the facts and the fact is Dixon props the club up .. WE HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MONEY FROM THE SALE OF THE LAND.. AND WE NEED TO DEMAND IT. IT WASNT A LIMITED COMPANY THEN.IF WE AS THE FANS WERE BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST.. THEN THE TRUSTEES ...(BOON).. NEEDS TO GIVE US ANSWERS...

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Next article in this thread: Re: Shameful by lampshade8824/11/2021 13:58Wed Nov 24 13:58:52 2021

Previous thread: Any News by Surreysage23/11/2021 10:47Tue Nov 23 10:47:55 2021view thread