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Re: A new low

By Arthur12/1/2022 11:49Wed Jan 12 11:49:30 2022In response to Re: A new low

Views: 1257

Finally for one of my favourite Swans, a little tale where you have to decide about whether nofollow the heart or the head.

A C of E vicar, a Baptist minister, and a rabbi all used to meet regularly every week in their local coffee shop. One day the coffee shop owner asked if, rather than spend their tie drinking coffee they ought to go out to try and get some new conversions. They all decided they would go into the forest to convert the pesky bears. One week later the baptist minister arrived at the coffee shop in a wheelchair where he saw the vicar with a black eye and his arm in a sling. The vicar explained he had met a bear and been roughed up, but after an hour or so the bear had been converted and the vicar took Communion with him. The Baptist minister said he went in and started preaching fire and brimstone. He too was beaten jump, legs damaged, but after 4 hours he was able to take some bears to the river and baptise them. Just then an ambulance arrived and they brought in the rabbi, covered head to toe in a plaster cast. When asked, the Rabbi said that using hindsight, it was a mistake to start talking about circumcision.

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Next article in this thread: Re: A new low by scouser12/1/2022 11:20Wed Jan 12 11:20:09 2022

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