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Re: A new low

By Surreysage (Norm)13/1/2022 10:29Thu Jan 13 10:29:13 2022In response to Re: A new low

Views: 1189

Thankyou for the summary Arthur-but I do think all this with the Thames club is a smokescreen to cover why Joe-a property developer- purchased the club in the first place

Pardon me for not understanding- but if you decide to buy a football club surely having a competative team on the pitch is normally the priority . Getting involved in the internal financial structure of your landlords and its associated backers is not the normal activity of a non league football club.Better to have the club surviving by playing at a different venue than being pushed out of business by debts incurred in fighting your landlord.Walton & Hersham have increased attendance fronm around 60 per game to over 400+since ground sharing at the Walton hub.

From my viewpoint (without the full details you have from Joe) investigations were carried out by Joe as he wished to purchase the freehold in his personal capacity and therefore any connected legal costs should be his sole responsibility and not channelled through the football club. If the huge deficit highlighted by Gareth in the football club accounts relates to legal costs I think supporters have aright to be provided with a full explanation especially in view of the supporters contributionsto the playing budget. .

Edited by Norm at 10:32:51 on 13th January 2022
Edited by Norm at 10:35:28 on 13th January 2022
Edited by Norm at 10:38:52 on 13th January 2022
Edited by Norm at 10:39:56 on 13th January 2022

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Next article in this thread: Re: A new low by Arthur13/1/2022 10:48Thu Jan 13 10:48:38 2022

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