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Re: A new low

By Arthur13/1/2022 10:48Thu Jan 13 10:48:38 2022In response to Re: A new low

Views: 1120

Norm, Bless you. Think about the numbers coming through the gates. Think about any other income we get - advertising, sponsorship etc. Then think about match fees to officials; payments (albeit low) to players and managers; travelling; subscriptions to the league and cup registrations. Then do the maths and decide how the club remains afloat. Then look at what happens in reality to what was apparently in our lease ..... resting of the boardroom, bar facilities to name but two. Then consider if you had invested and were assured that these would be ongoing. Then look at the landlord ..... the Thames Club - whose accounts show no overall control. The reality is 96% of their shares are in the hands of one company ..... so who is our land lord.

Perghaps you would like to volunteer to make up the shortfall in a given month.

Let's live in the real world and leave fantasy football to those who enjoy it

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Next article in this thread: Re: A new low by Arthur12/1/2022 20:54Wed Jan 12 20:54:08 2022

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