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Re: A new low

By lampshade8813/1/2022 11:08Thu Jan 13 11:08:31 2022In response to Re: A new low

Views: 1140

wat i really want to know is why that man never says anythink to the fans

the blokes a ghost

you say he cares then why not show it

everythin is about business and money that isnt the real world this is a footy club with real people like steve parson who thaat club is his life

86 people at a home game even the egham fans are taking the mick

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Next article in this thread: Re: A new low by Arthur13/1/2022 11:58Thu Jan 13 11:58:14 2022

Previous thread: Managers by dlands13/1/2022 22:23Thu Jan 13 22:23:20 2022view thread