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Re: A new low

By Surreysage (Norm)13/1/2022 12:29Thu Jan 13 12:29:56 2022In response to Re: A new low

Views: 1111

Arthur ,you must catch up, Elizabeth is on the throne now not Victoria.
Get a phone -social media is a great tool when used in the right way

leads on from me previous post.

The 5 20 year old owners of Walton & Hersham were interviewed on Sky news at end of December and asked how they had turned the club around.
"we used social media to reach out to local supporters"
"we played good attractive football which brought even more fans back "
"we started winning games which brought more supporters back"

None of this is rocket science but asimple plan instigated by a group of boys with no business experience ,having left school 3 years earlier

I use them as an example because they are local and mirror the history of our club and demonstrate what can be achieved through good leadership and shows that putting out a competative team is the first building block to turning the club around.

Edited by Norm at 12:31:12 on 13th January 2022
Edited by Norm at 12:34:42 on 13th January 2022

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Next article in this thread: Re: A new low by Arthur13/1/2022 19:34Thu Jan 13 19:34:29 2022

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