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Re: A new low

By Arthur14/1/2022 22:54Fri Jan 14 22:54:14 2022In response to Re: A new low

Views: 1102

I'm not sure how much more of your verbal diarrhoea I can put up with from you. You clearly cannot keep up with the thread you started and are making me repeat myself more times than a can of very fizzy cola. Firstly if ever you came to a match you would meet the club Chairman at the gate. I have named him and owe him an apology for using his name without asking him. His name is also in the programme. There is also a supporters club. You could ask questions about the club of them. I also pointed out to you that I contacted the club, the supporters club and Joe Dixon by writing to the club at the Wheatsheaf Park address. I also told you it upset family members to mention n the Boon family on this website. Alan sadly has passed away and he did attend all games homeland away. Matthew, who still has a significant interest in the club, attended less often and now never. Like you, he has a number of questions about the club finances to answer. The Glazers live in the USA and rarely attend United matches. Joe Dixon lives in the States. What is your problem. In fact, I think the next time you meet him may be in a court of law so be careful what you wish for.

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Next article in this thread: Re: A new low by Arthur12/1/2022 11:40Wed Jan 12 11:40:02 2022

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