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By gregs9/2/2022 14:39Wed Feb 9 14:39:55 2022In response to Re: STFC RIP

Views: 1843

Going to do the club no good at all. All the council and Thames Club will do is take out an injunction to stop the event going ahead as the caravans, mobile homes and horses will be parked on their land and therefore illegally. Treating everyone involved in the club with contempt and just makes the club itself a laughing stock.

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Next article in this thread: Re: STFC RIP by Torquayrob9/2/2022 19:08Wed Feb 9 19:08:40 2022

Previous thread: Tonight's game v Uxbridge - Postponed by John Blair15/2/2022 16:50Tue Feb 15 16:50:27 2022view thread