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By Torquayrob9/2/2022 19:08Wed Feb 9 19:08:40 2022In response to Re: STFC RIP

Views: 1847

It is very clear what Joe is doing - Downings- sell me the Thames Club or I will park a traveller community on your land for 6 months and you will lose all your customers!
Doesn’t give a monkeys about supporters or the club.
Dressing it up as a charity event is just a smokescreen. If it was it wouldn’t be an every day event. You could do it one day a week.

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Next article in this thread: Re: STFC RIP by Jwbllc10/2/2022 09:20Thu Feb 10 09:20:06 2022

Previous thread: Tonight's game v Uxbridge - Postponed by John Blair15/2/2022 16:50Tue Feb 15 16:50:27 2022view thread