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By Arthur10/2/2022 09:30Thu Feb 10 09:30:05 2022In response to Re: STFC RIP

Views: 1819

I may be getting old, but I am fairly sure it wasn't in my dreams that I shook hands with the Chairman last night. That said, I deplore some of the comments on here stereotyping minority groups within society. My club, I would like to believe , is an inclusive community club. I have no problem with tournaments at Wheatsheaf Park, nor groundsharing Wheatsheaf Park with other local teams. I believe the owner is quite right to pursue his actions against an oppressive landlord, who is only in business because of the financial support of an unscrupulous group of people. That said, the performances on the pitch are becomingg increasingly dire. The players are to blame, principally because they are playing at a level far above their capabilities. The manager is to blame for selecting such players and including them into the first team squad. Primarily the club's owners are to blame for failing to give the club sufficient funds to keep playing at this level. That said, we must remember that it is only on the guarantee of the owners that the club is still continuing this year. The club would be in liquidation without the support of the owners. We must also remember that each and every one of us would hate anyone (sorry Mary) telling us how to spend out money. Therefore we cannot tell the owners how to spend their money. The club has, arguably, the best fan base in world football. These people show loyalty to an extremely poor team. Many go to all matches home and away. They give to the Boost the Budget Scheme to try and improve the quality of the playing staff.

I will continue to do everything I can to keep the club in existence. I want to see competitive football at Wheatsheaf Park. I even went to the last away game - yes, I went to Ashford!! COYS

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Next article in this thread: Re: STFC RIP by Stainesloyal10/2/2022 09:40Thu Feb 10 09:40:00 2022

Previous thread: Tonight's game v Uxbridge - Postponed by John Blair15/2/2022 16:50Tue Feb 15 16:50:27 2022view thread