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By md1974 (Sdavies74)13/2/2022 19:03Sun Feb 13 19:03:30 2022In response to Re: STFC RIP

Views: 1624

not a fan of the club but nedded to write something cos Saturday night I was in the pub in Chertsey and there were travellers next to me talking about this staines cup from twitter and laughing their bolloks off talking about the stadium as a great little site they were loud and drunk. This will be the end for Staines fc and the gym welcoming them with open arms really? these people moved onto a park on the back of my aunt peggys house in Redhill they were there for over 3 years and trashed the whole local are. couldnt get them out even the council were fucked off by them until they found some other poor sods area to camp up will be a shit show

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Next article in this thread: Re: STFC RIP by Swandico14/2/2022 14:55Mon Feb 14 14:55:11 2022

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