Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag.
Views: 773
Before last night's home game v Uxbridge our no 11 (Ernest Murmylo - a Ukranian by birth) - was presented with a Ukranian flag by Ron Windsor (on behalf of the Supporters).
Ernest was made captain for the evening and proudly led the team onto the pitch draped in the Ukraine flag.
The flag was then flown from the TV gantry for the rest of the evening.
A small gesture but one that was a mark of respect and one that was appreciated by Ernest.
Well done to Ron for arranging this.
Edited by John Blair at 20:33:09 on 9th March 2022
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Next article in this thread: Re: Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag. by Arthur9/3/2022 21:28Wed Mar 9 21:28:10 2022
Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag. by John Blair9/3/2022 20:32Wed Mar 9 20:32:24 2022
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- Re: Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag. by Arthur9/3/2022 21:28Wed Mar 9 21:28:10 2022