Re: Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag.
Views: 712
Well said John and a big thanks to Ron from me. I hope that other supporters can share their Thames too. The newly painted "fencing" in the yellow and blue behind each goal could also be taken as part of our clubs stand on the people of the Ukraine. Football supporters remain with the club for a lifetime. The football 0on the pitch may not be too good over the pst few years, but the actions of the supporters should be commended.
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Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag. by John Blair9/3/2022 20:32Wed Mar 9 20:32:24 2022
3 peopleview thread
- Re: Ernest Murmylo and the Ukranian flag. by Arthur9/3/2022 21:28Wed Mar 9 21:28:10 2022