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Joe Dixon / Levski Sofia

By A Voice from the Sidelines30/3/2022 09:12Wed Mar 30 09:12:40 2022

Views: 1056

Hi All,

I've been a 'lurker' on the board for a while now having moved to the local area a few years ago and been to the odd game at Wheatsheaf Park and taken an interest in what's been going on between the owner and Thames Club etc. Given the goings on of yesterday, I thought it was a good time to join.

Regarding Joe Dixon, I've read various accounts of what he might be about but was slightly staggered to be sent the following link yesterday to some form of press conference he did about potential investment in the Bulgarian club Levski Sofia... (it's an excruciating watch)


Without actually knowing who Joe is or what he looks like, is this even him? If so, what happened with this Levski deal? He talks in this video about his 'USA financial partners', '£250m investment', 'building a new stadium and shopping centre' etc. Was this all 'Walter Mitty' type stuff?

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