Re: Statement from Isthmian League
Views: 1020
Excellent statement by the league, there’s no need for any games to not be played, if the owner wants to be a social justice warrior that’s entirely his choice but there’s no need to cancel the games and effectively end a great local club’s existence on behest of those whims.
Fair play to the supporters, old and new who are already seemingly putting in plans to continue the club
As with the much vaunted “summer tournament” this latest stunt seems entirely devised to create an issue with the Thames Club but also to ultimately bring about the extinction of Staines Town
Hopefully it does not come to that, too many clubs in this country have unfortunately gone by the wayside upon the egotistical acts of ill fitted owners, I only hope Staines Town, a club I’ve long held dear, do not follow them
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Statement from Isthmian League by dlands30/3/2022 17:00Wed Mar 30 17:00:13 2022
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- Re: Statement from Isthmian League by MGP30/3/2022 17:33Wed Mar 30 17:33:12 2022
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