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Re: League allocations for next season

By Yellow Swan (pp7822)29/5/2022 18:04Sun May 29 18:04:51 2022In response to Re: League allocations for next season

Views: 763

I agree with much of what has already been said. It’s all if’s, but’s and maybe’s at the moment. I do believe that stepping back for one season to clear a lot the issues we have up, would be sensible. I’m not even entirely sure we would be able to field a squad and that’s before we even ask the questions around where the team would play. It’s not fair on our competitors, the league or (more importantly) us the fans. Would much rather we took time out to ‘fix’ much of what has and is going on both on and off the field.

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Next article in this thread: Re: League allocations for next season by Trevor R29/5/2022 19:28Sun May 29 19:28:44 2022

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