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Re: Some important information…

By Torquayrob4/7/2022 19:56Mon Jul 4 19:56:56 2022In response to Re: Some important information…

Views: 1971

There is impatience is getting a club going or, in this case, getting together with an existing club to provide a football club to watch next season. If we didn’t act quickly there would be no club at all in Staines and any interest in the plight of Staines Town supporters would disappear as would any chance of any club resurrecting.. I personally don’t care in the short term about league position, this is more about having a club to watch in the short term and the long term prospects of a community club in Staines.
Comparing a non-football town like Staines with north London is irrelevant. The treasurer of Staines and Llamas has said that the important word in Staines and Llamas is Staines.
I do understand the view of the Devon Swans and will never criticise any opinion of fans that have spent many hours on the road to watch Staines Town (particularly when they can travel only a handful of miles to watch the mighty Gulls).. However, a joint team in Staines does make sense me but I understand that it is not want everyone wanted. Unfortunately Dixon has destroyed what we all really want.
My personal view is that in the near future we can buy debentures in the club and therefore own it. Hopefully one day we can take back the name Town and incorporate it in the name but we cannot do this yet

Edited by Torquayrob at 20:00:36 on 4th July 2022

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Next article in this thread: Re: Some important information… by Devon Swan part deux4/7/2022 22:22Mon Jul 4 22:22:49 2022

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