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Musings of a ladies man?

By Arthur12/2/2023 11:38Sun Feb 12 11:38:37 2023

Views: 784

Yesterday, I did get to the ground. However, for the first time in my life I was under medical instructions not to stay outside for long periods. I was stopped from watching football. I understand we lost. However, what I do know is that we can now watch competitive football; our team is very competitive; and hopefully will be in the promotion places at the end of the season. I trust we will be able to "go up". I hope the ground facilities will be acceptable (energy costs for all clubs may remove a floodlight clause). the decisions of the 2 clubs to go forward as one has been vindicated. There are players I watch who can certainly play at a higher level. The players are in place, the manager is sound and the backroom staff geared up for progression. For that all of us should be extremely grateful. Back to the ladies. I had the pleasure of talking to two young ladies. I have known one for a number of years (she must have been a schoolgirl when we first met- she's only 25 mow). The other lady I met this year. She loves the club so much her son is one of our star players.They both give of their time and efforts for the supporters club. For that, as a supporter, I am truly thankful. For along with those already mentioned as keys to our club going forward, the efforts of all of the supporters club committee are to be lauded. For that I am truly thankful. Going forward I know there are people like me who are happy when we win, sad when we lose, and remain steadfast to supporting Staines football. I am happy I can (usually )stand alongside them. Let us carry on following our Town's team.

That's enough said. Sadly both of these lovely ladies said they appreciated some of my jokes. Don't blame me, blame them for :

Five ants rented an apartment and another five ants moved in. Now they are ten ants.

A kid gave his teacher a blank piece of paper.
Teacher: What is this?
Kid: It's a drawing of a cow eating grass.
Teacher: (looked at the paper) Where's the grass?
Kid: The cow ate all of it.
...Teacher: (looked at the paper again)Then, where's the cow?
Kid: It left because there was no more grass.

I said to the baker
How come all your cakes are 50p but that one's a pound
He said that's Madeira cake

Edited by Arthur at 11:55:39 on 12th February 2023

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