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'' A trip down memeory lane ''

By Andrew67 (legacy user)1/3/2014 21:44Sat Mar 1 21:44:32 2014

Views: 4125

Now after a close to 3 hour coach journey the 1st thing I wanted was coffee , great I thought a Tesco supermarket right next to the ground , but imagine my surprise when I find they blew all the budget on an ornate water feature outside the front entrance instead of a costa coffee shop . '' every little helps '' or not today :)

Any enough about supermarkets or this could descend into domestic appliance gate 2 . those that have no idea what im referring to should read '' ships in the night '' circa feb 26th 2014.

So the travelling swan army was swelled in its ranks today I think upwards of 40 made the long trip south west (ish) now in to account Staines poor away form and the devastating floods that have hit our town that's a pretty good effort.
The Banter in the bar pre game was mainly centred around Tom cleverly and the utter amazement that he gets picked for the England squad . I personally think Uncle tom cobbly would do a better job .

Dorchester's ground was well appointed with ample room and good facilities which included good food and toilets with lights that worked. a point I failed to make about concord on Tuesday. yes peeing in the dark can lead to wet trainers .

The game was played on a pitch that looked like the local rugby side had played on a hour previous to kick off . Staines never looked troubled by there opponents and went in 1=0 up at half time thanks to a Louie T strike .
The 2nd half followed a similar pattern until the referee gave what could be described as a dodgy penalty, which was dually converted.

Staines had 2 chances late on. one clipped the crossbar and one blazed over and landed in the ornate fountain outside Tesco!

So a point away is always better than no points away , and in my humble opionin it was the swans best performance for some while .

Back to our house at last next week and lets hope the home form can get us moving back up the table .

Keep smiling Swans and don't forget.

'' its all swings and roundabouts''