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Reply to " '' A fotball clubs nothing without the fans''"

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'' A fotball clubs nothing without the fans''

By Andrew67 (legacy user)10/3/2014 14:01Mon Mar 10 14:01:10 2014

Views: 2395

Bear with me this will be long and to some tedious , but I assure you it will make sense ..

Football has for many , many years suffered the label of '' the bad apple'' in the sporting world. After all you rarely see or have seen violence on the terraces at rugby or cricket matches , rival fans at these occasions are not segregated and alcohol is allowed into the stands during games.

Football however will forever be tarnished with the hooligan brush , whether before the game during or after there is always that doubt in the back of your mind that it could ''kick off'' at any time. and I don't mean back 20 years ago. I recently went to a premier league game and the atmosphere and vileness in and around the stadium was as bad as is was 20-30 years ago.

Now football authorities are rightly targeting Racist chanting and anti-Semitic chanting and have recently launched anti homophobic campaigns aimed at stamping that area out.

Clubs were encouraged to develop Family enclosure's so mums and dads could bring there children to games and feel ''safe''

All of the above is fantastic and clubs at the all levels should be applauded for there efforts in eradicating Racism within the game , those clubs at lower levels that have the infrastructure to enable a family enclosure are im sure benefiting from it . After all we fall in love with football when we are taken by our parents right ?

So to the nitty gritty of what I think is going wrong .
firstly this isn't solely a Staines Town problem although negative feedback from visiting families is not a good thing , the fact its being brought to the clubs attention is helpful.

Pro active staffing at football matches at any level should be encouraged , a quiet word in someone's ear telling them to mind there language is surely a good thing , im not saying I expect football grounds to be sanitised with no singing etc. but if people are made to feel uncomfortable after spending good money to watch a football match
then why should expect them to return.

Non - league football should be all about community local people of all ages being able to watch there local side.
Its not got the glitz and glamour of the premier league and that's why we all love it .

If as a club we are finding it hard to accommodate the local community of all ages then this needs addressing.
After all ''a football clubs nothing without the fans''

Don't forget ...... '' its all swings and roundabouts''