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Re: '' A football clubs nothing without the fans'' ( Part 2 )

By Dom Weir (legacy user)25/3/2014 14:34Tue Mar 25 14:34:22 2014In response to Re: '' A football clubs nothing without the fans'' ( Part 2 )

Views: 3213

I actually cannot believe people are wasting time talking about this subject. Just get on with it. At the end of the day if people at the club are concerned with swearing and abusive language then let them approach the minority of people in which they refer too.
Its all childish from my perspective. The club need to understand that this is the modern day society and its nothing worse than what you would hear outside of the club or from the players on the pitch.

I haven't been too many games lately so cannot comment on what has recently occurred but come on, just concentrate on the football and not those around you.

This club needs its fans! At the moment the link between club and fans is failing...