Presentation Night
Views: 2670
I am still collecting names for the Presentation night. Its on 26th april starting at 7.00pm in the Sports Bar.
Tickets are £10 including buffet and prizes.
It will be a casual evening, with plenty of awards, raffle prizes and fun. So please put your names down asap. My telephone is broken and I am unable to make or receive calls, so either email me on [email protected] or see me Tomorrow night at the Tonbridge Game. We MUST have numbers by saturday for catering purposes.
Its always a great night, so please come and show your appreciation to the players for what is turning out to be a terrific season.
Voting forms will be on the programme table on Tuesday and Saturday so get your votes in for your FAVOURITE player.
Presentation Night by Angie Payne14/4/2014 09:57Mon Apr 14 09:57:18 2014view thread