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Reply to "Maidenhead "

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By Andrew67 (legacy user)6/9/2014 20:37Sat Sep 6 20:37:46 2014

Views: 1833

Right I've waited a few hours to write todays musings, mainly because I was slightly fuming when I got home earlier.

Firstly it was nice to see some new faces at Wheatsheaf Park today, I know there were some sceptics surrounding the whole non league day stuff but 430 came through the turnstiles today, and who knows some might return.

To the game ..
from my standing position between the dugouts, it was clear from the kick off that the assistant referee and referee had no control of the visiting manager. he was prowling well outside his technical area, and being overly aggressive regarding decisions.
Although the incident which led to Sanchez being sent off happened right in front of us, our view was obscured by the dug out. The sending off for Maidenheads manager was correct IMO as grabbing an opposition player around the throat is totally unacceptable.
Why Sanchez was dismissed I have no idea.

The referee today was very poor but lets not allow that to distract from another home defeat.

Last season Wheatsheaf Park was a fortress for us, this season its been more like a sand castle being attacked by the approaching tide.
Strange when you take into account this is pretty much the same side as the last campaign.
Sports all about taking your chances, thankfully Maidenhead didn't take to many of theirs today or the score could have been much, much worse.
Things need to turn around the cream of the league are rising to the top and we could be in danger of fighting it out with the dregs at the bottom ....

Awaiting your thumbs down with anticipation :)

  • Collapse threadMaidenhead by Andrew676/9/2014 20:37Sat Sep 6 20:37:46 20143 people dislike this 3 peopleview thread
  • Re: Maidenhead by Dave-LW6/9/2014 21:55Sat Sep 6 21:55:32 20141 person dislikes this 1 person