Where's it all gone wrong
Views: 2213
Having unfortunately seen most of the games this season I simply think the system we are playing is all wrong. The 3 in midfield isn't working and we are getting outrun in the middle of the park, the amount of space that teams can exploit is a joke and we are therefore conceding a heap of often cheap goals. The players we have brought in all seem to full fill the same role and we haven't got that grit or determination in midfield. Yet if we insist on playing three up front then they can't be 3 centre forwards as no one does any tracking back. We played 3 upfront a couple of seasons ago but it worked as players like David Wheeler and Tyrone Marsh worked their socks off and helped the midfield. Louis Callum and Elliot just don't seem to do that. When not playing well you have to make yourself hard to beat and for me that has to be two banks of 4. On the subject of Louis T, he has to go, yes he scores goals but I think he stops us scoring more by not passing or putting in the effort when not in possession. Against Gloucester he looked uninterested and when not playing well you need everyone giving 100% and in my opinion he doesn't.
On the subject of swearing we now live in a world where (whether we like it or not) swearing is regularly used in conversation. If you think that it's bad at staines then you clearly haven been to many away games as some other grounds are much much worse! I am in fact glad that the fans have come and joined us under the terrace on the far side as it's created a much better atmosphere where the fans are harmless and simply passionate about their club!
Unfortunately I can't see us winning on Tuesday but I'll be there supporting ( with no swearing of course ;)
C'mon you swans!
Where's it all gone wrong by Anonymous13/10/2014 15:42Mon Oct 13 15:42:58 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by Dom Weir13/10/2014 17:26Mon Oct 13 17:26:36 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by Follow the Swans13/10/2014 15:53Mon Oct 13 15:53:10 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by Jim13/10/2014 18:46Mon Oct 13 18:46:04 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by Dom weir13/10/2014 19:33Mon Oct 13 19:33:43 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by TorquayRob13/10/2014 19:59Mon Oct 13 19:59:42 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by Mark 13/10/2014 20:17Mon Oct 13 20:17:59 2014
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- Likes/dislikes by Troy McClure13/10/2014 23:31Mon Oct 13 23:31:43 2014
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- Likes/dislikes by Anonymous14/10/2014 11:59Tue Oct 14 11:59:33 2014
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- Re: Likes/dislikes by Danswan14/10/2014 08:39Tue Oct 14 08:39:50 2014
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- Re: Likes/dislikes by Danswan15/10/2014 15:28Wed Oct 15 15:28:36 2014
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- Re: Where's it all gone wrong by Danswan13/10/2014 20:39Mon Oct 13 20:39:06 2014
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