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Re: Marcus Gayle

By Jim (legacy user)18/10/2014 19:57Sat Oct 18 19:57:33 2014In response to Marcus Gayle

Views: 2021

Is it also down to a lack of budget? Is Marcus being forced into playing youth players through no money being available.

Marcus would only want this club to do well. For the sake of his CV at the very least. Whilst you hear of others higher up complaining about the loss the club makes. The club almost doesnt seem fan friendly and its a bit of an old boys club. Things like the block tickets being withdrawn, very high season ticket prices and of course no chips...

We need a cover behind the goal, a clubhouse for the fans, both of these things will help with fan/player interaction which I'm sure would also translate to more encouragement for the players and boost performances.

It's hard to come to games feeling positive and whilst some of the young players give it a really good go and put a lot of heart and effort into it I just don't think many are ready for it and are being pushed into first team football before they're ready.

We want chips! We want chips!

  • Collapse threadSupport by Harrison18/10/2014 17:49Sat Oct 18 17:49:01 20147 people dislike this 7 peopleview thread
  • Re: Support by Danswan20/10/2014 12:39Mon Oct 20 12:39:59 2014
  • Re: Support by Dave19/10/2014 14:00Sun Oct 19 14:00:41 20141 person dislikes this 1 person
  • Support by Angie Payne18/10/2014 20:37Sat Oct 18 20:37:21 20142 people dislike this 2 people
  • Re: Support by Harrison18/10/2014 18:26Sat Oct 18 18:26:11 20143 people dislike this 3 people
  • Re: Support by Andrew6718/10/2014 17:55Sat Oct 18 17:55:50 2014
  • Marcus Gayle by Anonymous18/10/2014 19:21Sat Oct 18 19:21:53 20141 person dislikes this 1 person
  • Re: Marcus Gayle by Jim18/10/2014 19:57Sat Oct 18 19:57:33 20142 people dislike this 2 people
  • Re: Support by Dom weir18/10/2014 18:15Sat Oct 18 18:15:53 20143 people dislike this 3 people
  • Re: Support by John Blair19/10/2014 17:26Sun Oct 19 17:26:29 2014