Still in shock from Saturday
Views: 1944
Bit late but just recovered from witnessing Saturday's game.
As mentioned by others why substitute Bassett when he was playing well and causing problems and WHY, Oh WHY does Buchanan get into the team?
Gordon summed it up on Saturday - just when you think you have seen the worst performance of the season Staines managed to produce an even worse one!
New tactic - pass the ball back to Jack to score. He seemed the only one capable on the pitch at the end on Saturday.
We had three efforts on target on Saturday if my memory serves me right - Jack's goal, Brendan's first half effort that was well saved by Ross (of course this meant that Brendan would be taken off for too much effort) and a header by Buchanan. Except that wasn't so much of a header but the ball hit him in the head and rebounded towards goal.
I was willing Buchanan to take a knock so he would have to be taken off.
As for the crowd it seemed a bit more positive in the first half. It was the second half performance that drained any enthusaism.
Torquay Rob
Still in shock from Saturday by TorquayRob20/10/2014 18:00Mon Oct 20 18:00:26 2014
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- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by Mark20/10/2014 18:59Mon Oct 20 18:59:37 2014
- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by TorquayRob20/10/2014 19:25Mon Oct 20 19:25:57 2014
- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by Dom weir20/10/2014 19:57Mon Oct 20 19:57:08 2014
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- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by John Blair20/10/2014 20:36Mon Oct 20 20:36:18 2014
- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by Mark20/10/2014 20:44Mon Oct 20 20:44:32 2014
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- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by Andrew6721/10/2014 09:00Tue Oct 21 09:00:05 2014
- Re: Still in shock from Saturday by Danswan21/10/2014 09:24Tue Oct 21 09:24:17 2014
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