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Re: Louie T departs

By Danswan (legacy user)30/10/2014 10:51Thu Oct 30 10:51:33 2014In response to Louie T departs

Views: 2879

Makes me chuckle, A lot of fans here adored Ali Chabaan... Who had a much worse attitude than Louis T ! Im afraid there is more to football than just being a team player. Louis would give you 20+ goals every season and he is exactly the sort of player that we need. Do you not think his lack of interest may be down to the current tactics being played ? Also think that releasing Brendan Kiernan played a huge part in Louis leaving, Brendan was one of the most technically able in the squad and im sure given time him and Louis would have struck up a superb partnership. When a player sees experienced players being released and young kids becoming the saviours of course he would want to leave.

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  • Collapse threadLouie T departs by Andrew6730/10/2014 10:03Thu Oct 30 10:03:57 2014view thread
  • Re: Louie T departs by Danswan30/10/2014 10:51Thu Oct 30 10:51:33 2014
  • Ali C by TorquayRob30/10/2014 23:15Thu Oct 30 23:15:51 2014
  • Re: Ali C by John Blair31/10/2014 07:57Fri Oct 31 07:57:34 2014
  • Re: Ali C by Danswan31/10/2014 08:56Fri Oct 31 08:56:28 2014