No news?!
Views: 2616
Club seems to be a sad state of affairs at the moment which is a shame! If we are still in the game at half time this afternoon then I'd see that as an achievement. We all know our current squad isn't good enough but as long as they show desire and fight until the final whistle then I'll be happy!
C'mon you swans!
- No news?? by Dom weir31/10/2014 21:40Fri Oct 31 21:40:03 2014 4 people 6 peopleview thread
- No news?! by Harry1/11/2014 10:29Sat Nov 1 10:29:42 2014 1 person
- Re: No news?? by Andrew671/11/2014 09:30Sat Nov 1 09:30:16 2014 1 person 1 person