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Wine Gums-Karaoke & the Tortoise!!

By G.HARBERD7/4/2015 13:14Tue Apr 7 13:14:47 2015

Views: 1667

Could this be the new formula for success? Wine gums supplied by StattoBrown galvanised Captain Purse to perform his version of Heavy Metal(what else) followed by Roy 'Elvis'Lewis and our own Oasis lookalike if not soundalike Jemal, next up was young Nathaniel with a little bit of Rap. All this during a hold up on the motorway on the way to Weston. As we won the game lets have more of the same.
Next season the seats on the players coach are sure to be the Hot ticket.
As for the Tortoise thats' a secret only known to a select few, if i tell you i may have to kill you.
Best away day for a very long time.