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Re: Louie T

By John Blair29/7/2015 22:46Wed Jul 29 22:46:10 2015In response to Louie T

Views: 1499

In the words of the famous song -

''They call him the wanderer , he moves around and around and around''.

Ants in his pants , itchy feet , doesn't like to stay in one place for too long.
All of these expressions apply to Louie T.

  • Collapse threadLouie T by V W Swan29/7/2015 16:57Wed Jul 29 16:57:34 2015view thread
  • Re: Louie T by John Blair29/7/2015 22:46Wed Jul 29 22:46:10 2015
  • Re: Louie T by Wakes30/7/2015 10:24Thu Jul 30 10:24:10 2015