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By Follow the Swans29/8/2017 16:03Tue Aug 29 16:03:10 2017

Views: 1569

The points draw numbers which were picked today are as follows:-

1 Gary Frost
2 George Payne
3 Michael(Tevez)Burgess
4 Amanda Boon
5 Sally Warren
6 Steve McCarthy
7 Michael Wright
8 Rachel Boon
9 Harry Robson
10 Roger Thompson
11 Michael(Tevez)Burgess
12 Harley Yates
13 Christine Harberd
14 Pete Moss
15 Paige Wainwright
16 Stuart Hatton
17 Christine Harberd
18 John Blair
19 Oliver Blair
20 Kerry Wainwright
21 Keith Tunnicliffe
22 Poppy Yates
23 Ron Windsor
24 Chris Barclay
25 Mason Coker
26 Sally Payne
27 Jesse Richards
28 Mike Holland
29 Paul Clark
30 Dave Wilson
31 Dean Brewer
32 Trevor Lunn
33 Clive Stevens
34 Andy Jones
35 Laurence Wakefield
36 Dave Espley
37 Dean Brewer
38 Ron Windsor
39 Jason Richards
40 Dave Quin
41 Darren Cox
42 Billy Kerslake
43 Lloyd Tuberville
44 Alex/Liam Gunning
45 Pete Wilson
46 Rachel Norris
47 Neil Robson
48 Alan Pugh
49 Nicola Lewis
50 Dave Brown
51 Rob Gunning
52 Helen Espley
53 David Coker
54 Andy Jones
55 Daisy Cox
56 Phil Breadman
57 Dave Brown
58 Natalie Thompson
59 STFC (Juniors)
60 Ashley Blair
61 Thomas Kerslake
62 STFC (Juniors)
63 Martyn Espley
64 Roger Marsden
65 Hayden Wakefield
66 Ken Williams
67 Max Angliss
68 Pete Wilson
69 Mark Court
70 Roger Marsden
71 Brian Wright
72 Cheryl Wright
73 John Lane
74 Keith Tunnicliffe
75 Jessica Espley
76 Matthew Boon
77 Steve Parsons
78 Stuart Dejong
79 Steve McCarthy
80 Lee Perkins
81 Sally Payne
82 Malcolm Windsor
83 Millie Cox
84 Daniel Coker
85 Glenn Gulyas
86 Bacon
87 Simon Gough
88 Dan Norris
89 Emma Tompkins
90 Dave Norris
91 Jim Smith
92 Michael(Tevez)Burgess
93 Robert Lane
94 Malcolm Windsor
95 Norman McNicol
96 Janine Crainich
97 Dom Weir
98 Cindy Blair
99 Lynden Overy
100 Andrew Breadman
101 Mark Court
102 Barbara Moss
103 Dave Brown
104 Angie Payne
105 Hilary Denning
106 Gawain Espley
107 Daniel Lunn
108 Denise Williams
109 Ron Windsor
110 Mark Martin
111 Jim Smith
112 Martyn Espley
113 Chris Wainwright
114 Lauren Boon
115 Bill Baker
116 Roy Lewis
117 Beverly Angliss
118 Malcolm Windsor
119 Gordon Harberd
120 Joe Blair
121 Kirsten Hatton
122 Natalie Thompson
123 Chloe Boon
124 Simon Gough
125 Harry Payne
126 Arthur Kerslake
127 Dave Ward
128 Jessica Espley
129 Pete Wilson
130 Dan/Pat
131 Glenn Gulyas
132 Remi Perkins
133 Pat Nixon
134 Simon Gough
135 Vanessa Cox
136 Mark Warren
137 Norman McNicol
138 Clive Stevens

The draw was made by Ken Williams and myself , witnessed by Steve Parsons.

Prizes are £500 for the person with the correct number of points, with 2 runner-up prizes of £250 each for the person with the point under or over the actual points gained by STFC.
There is also a champagne prize to the winner of a separate draw from the numbers between 1 & 16 and 123 & 138.

  • Collapse threadPOINTS DRAW! by Follow the Swans29/8/2017 16:03Tue Aug 29 16:03:10 2017view thread