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Reply to "Ground maintenance"

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Ground maintenance

By Norm12/2/2018 22:35Mon Feb 12 22:35:42 2018

Views: 1472

This season Ken has been , including his other responsibilities, looking after the pitch . With the very wet weather,and other problems with the playing surface this has meant he is spending something like 4 hours a day , 5 days a week working on the surface to get the next 1st team game on. Over the last few weeks I have been able to help him.
Just wondering if there are other supporters , who like me are retired, and could allocate a few hours each week to helping at the club on the pitch ,replacing divots, etc.

I am making this request , without Kens knowledge , but knowing it will help him a great deal, and also the club and to show that we supporters will help the club in any way which we can.

Many thanks


Edited by Norm at 22:36:39 on 12th February 2018
Edited by Norm at 22:37:24 on 12th February 2018