Mo Bettamer at the World Cup
Views: 1149
Interesting article in the latest issue of “When Saturday Comes” about Mo Bettamer’s highly controversial appearance at the recent CONIFA World Football Cup finals - the tournament for independent footlball asscociations (the likes of Tibet, Matabeleland, Western Australia) held at non league grounds around London in earlier this month. Mo played for Barawa (Representing the Somali despora) but was selected well after the deadline for team registrations and despite accusations of “ringer” by defeated opposition (including Isle of Man, against whom he scored) objections were overruled. Since you ask, Karpatalya defeated Northern Cyprus in the final at Enfield, refereed by Mark Clattenburg no less. Now whatever happened to Mo Bettamer? Another 27 goals would be nice next season!
Mo Bettamer at the World Cup by GJ25/6/2018 15:28Mon Jun 25 15:28:34 2018view thread