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Re: Met Police

By John Blair25/11/2018 19:09Sun Nov 25 19:09:48 2018In response to Re: Met Police

Views: 957

The team are playing with little or no confidence and are certainly up against it.
Up the creek without a paddle is one way of looking at it , but surely our luck has to change soon ?
To hit the woodwork 6 times in the last 3 games is unbelievable !!!

Yes - we are still losing (far too regularly) but those that have seen the last few games will have noticed slight improvements in the team and the performances.
Keep the faith and hopefully we will be rewarded - if the team can claw their way out of danger.

  • Collapse threadMet Police by scouser25/11/2018 11:31Sun Nov 25 11:31:39 2018view thread
  • Re: Met Police by DevonSwan25/11/2018 13:10Sun Nov 25 13:10:35 2018
  • Re: Met Police by John Blair25/11/2018 19:09Sun Nov 25 19:09:48 2018