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Reply to "White Ribbon Campaign 2021"

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White Ribbon Campaign 2021

By John Blair27/11/2021 09:55Sat Nov 27 09:55:04 2021

Views: 1015

White Ribbon UK is the leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence against women.
White Ribbon Day falls on 25th November when thousands of people take action and raise awareness to try and prevent violence before it starts.
STAINES TOWN FC support this important charity and hold a stock of White Ribbon merchandise in the Club Shop which is available to purchase at today's game , or any future home game.
If you would like to offer your support to this charity by purchasing some of their merchandise feel free to come into the Club Shop and see either Ron Windsor or myself.

Edited by John Blair at 10:38:52 on 27th November 2021