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Re: Made me smile

By Arthur25/7/2022 18:08Mon Jul 25 18:08:51 2022In response to Made me smile

Views: 956

Phoned Heart FM today, to enter their mystery prize competition.
The presenter answered and said, "Congratulations on being our first caller, all you need to do is answer the following question correctly, to win our Mystery Grand Star Prize"..
"That Fantastic!" I called out in delight.
"Feel Confident?" The presenter asked, "It's a Geography Question."
"Well, I've got a degree in Geography from Oxford University," I proudly replied, "and I've taught Geography to A level students for the last 20 years"
"Ok then, to win our grand prize of 2 VIP tickets to a an expenses paid night out with Joe Dixon, what is the capital of France?"
"Bradford", I replied.