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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
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'' STATS ''
Views: 2790
Too much time on my hands this afternoon . so I did some last six game research over all leagues from the premier league down to skrill north :
Staines Town are in very good company going by last six games judged on unbeaten.
Premier League .. Liverpool , Everton , Manchester City
Championship .. None
League 1 .. None
League 2 .. Rochdale, Scunthorpe , York City , Southend United
Skrill Premier .. Gateshed , Halifax , Woking
Skrill South .. Staines Town , Eastleigh
Skrill north .. Guiseley
Just thought I would share . if there is any mistakes don't worry I didn't look into it to deep :)
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2 people
Boring Wood v Beastbourne 'Orough
Views: 2718
Could do with a Wood win tonight!
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Re: Boring Wood v Beastbourne 'Orough
Views: 2999
Finished 3-1 so we stay 8th!
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Tonight ...
Views: 2624
Could do with wins for Maidenhead and TonBridge Angels ...
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Previous thread: Borehamwood v Eastbourne by Anonymous9/4/2014 21:49Wed Apr 9 21:49:55 2014view thread