Newest article: Re: FA Vase 2024/25 season by John Blair20/9/2024 19:56Fri Sep 20 19:56:25 2024view thread
Oldest article: ''ships in the night ''
by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Bore ham Wood by Angie Payne21/4/2014 19:38Mon Apr 21 19:38:03 2014view thread
Well done Gordon
Views: 3111
Well done to Gordon Harberd who won the 50/50 today
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Re: Well done Gordon
Views: 2975
I smell a fix!!!
Would'nt be surprised if Roger wins it next week.
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Champagne moment !!!
Views: 2927
Any truth in the rumour John? That Chelmo's after match entertainment was caused because you offered their players a drop of Champagne then said "only joking "
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Re: Champagne moment !!!
Views: 2942
Something like that!!
The after match man of the match award took that long we almost claimed squatters rights on the bottle of bubbly!!!!
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Views: 2888
i was ready to help you with that bottle...tweeted your pic, but it seems to have got lost in the ether....steve
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Previous thread: Curry House by peter foster19/4/2014 10:30Sat Apr 19 10:30:03 2014view thread