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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
Next thread: Eight Goal Wood ... by Follow the Swans15/8/2014 09:41Fri Aug 15 09:41:10 2014view thread
Views: 2441
Have you seen Football Exclusives interview with the Whitehawk Ultras.
What a bunch of -----.
Still Keith has a rival for Trumpeter of the Year.
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Views: 2185
I disagree. I think the interviewee from Whitehawk comes across as articulate and pleasant. He says that they are aiming to make their club family friendly and that is an excellent aim. They do this by avoiding offensive chants and encouraging an amicable atmosphere. I feel that is much to Whitehawk's credit.
Staines made some progress last year when Mr Boon committed to try and prevent the objectionable minority from ruining the atmosphere for families and long may this strategy continue!
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Re: Whitehawk
Views: 2094
For Whitehawk to become more family friendly they need to make the approach to their ground more accessible. Away teams having to negotiate dozens of traveller vehicles is not exactly very inviting.And that is not a one off - the vehicles are there day in day out and it makes a coach drivers job a nightmare.
Whitehawk is well known amongst Conference fans who follow their team away as being one of the least inviting grounds to visit.
Take away the two stands and you have a 3 sided dump. The bar is more spit and sawdust than anything,and having been there twice in 2014 my opinion did'nt change last Saturday.
To Whitehawks credit the 100 - 120 fans they actually have are mostly well behaved but like a lot of clubs still have a minority of abusive ones.
If Nancy was there on Saturday she would know!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Whitehawk
Views: 2224
To be fair I don't think as fans we are in any position to criticise any other clubs fans. Last night a crowd of 300 was at the game at least a 100 of which were visiting fans. they were a credit to their club, take a look at their forum they are critical of our support. and were very vocal in their annoyance that we had NO PA system operating last night , something which we would be the 1st to complain about when visiting other grounds.
until we get better home support we should be careful in our criticism .
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Re: Whitehawk
Views: 2082
Hi Andrew -agree with you .I was so embarrassed by Tuesday night ,our first league game at home , that I went into talk to Ken Williams at the office on Wednesday morning. I always think its best done face to face rather than just moaning about things.
I raised three isuues with him .
No speaker system.
No coloured/stiff/shiny/ wrapround on programme.
No advertising of fixture on notice board at the entrance to the Ground/Gym.(I know that over 100 people a day go through those gates)
In my opinion I said that for a supporter it was more like a Ryman South than a Conference South experience.
He is aware of the problems and explained the circumstances of why they occurred and is addressing them.I also made the point that if it would help I was more than willing to make an appointment to see Matthew Boon and discuss the problems with him direct.
I also said that this was a not a personal matter ,simply that as a fan of STFC I would like to see 400 supporters going through the gate to see a game and not 100 as they have at Whitehawk.
Best wishes
PS Keith I know that the STFC management do not ( allegedly)read this forum so can you please convert this into a "tweet" so they are aware of my concerns. Many thanks
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Re: Whitehawk
Views: 2144
;-) ... Just out of interest we has 2338 Page Views on Tuesday! Scource: Google Analytics
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Views: 2190
An excellent point.
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