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Squad pictures
Views: 1963
Just checked out the squad pictures on the website. Only two players with a lovely smile! Jeril and Chris , the others look so solemn . Or is it not allowed to smile in a squad shot ?
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squad pics
Views: 1907
I do try to get the players to smile Angie, most don't want to and that's their choice. Sometimes however being asked to smile on request is difficult and the smile may look false, so players pose how they want.
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squad pics
Views: 1853
I think both physio's are smiling, max is smiling, chace is too, as Is james-lewis merrick , goalies phil Clarke and harry Churchill aint doing so bad, joe aribo and Louis Rae beadle too and danny basset....some of the others are older pictures from 2 seasons ago that the webmaster hasn't updated.
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Views: 1927
Oh I thought the others probably had a touch of indigestion !
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Previous thread: Refund? by Anonymous25/8/2014 18:45Mon Aug 25 18:45:40 2014view thread