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Chelmsford away ...
Views: 2184
What a difference 6 days make. From abject normality against Weston super Mare on Monday , to a thoroughly hard working ,strong well deserved win today.
Callum Willock was the difference today, he was to clever and powerful for the Chelmsford defence and by taking a gamble against the keeper for the first goal he showed he isn't afraid to put his head in dangerous situations and score goals.
All round the pitch Staines were completely different from the Monday game which shows great team spirit, to bounce back from 2 defeats when their performance was poor too say the least.
It was my first visit to the Olympic stadium / Chelmsford arena. Good facilities nice coffee, just hard to work out the maze like routes to get behind the goals ..
So thumbs down at the ready all you haters :)
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Chelmsford away....
Views: 1968
Andrew keep up the match reports as they are great to read especially when I am not able to attend the game. Who cares about the spelling and punctuation and don't let people try and preach to you - you are old & wise enough! Funny to see that Troy & Nancy are one and the same person following the slip up on the log in a few days ago.
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Re: Chelmsford away ...
Views: 2001
Thanks for the match summary Andrew -I know that I can rely on you to give a fare (oops -sorry Nancy) fair account of the game .Long may you continue. Whats important to me is that you get the facts write . Take care and best wishes to all.
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Views: 2035
Perhaps it doesn't matter but I wonder if you receive such a poor response because of your lack of craft with spelling and grammar? Only a suggestion but perhaps you could write in 'Word' first and then check your text with the spelling and grammar review.
Sometimes it is difficult to understand the point you are trying to make because of the low standard of punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
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Re: Grammar
Views: 1981
I will accept that the ''grammar'' is dodgy . but I couldn't see any ''typo's ?
Plus I gave up being schooled about my ''grammar'' 40 odd years ago. The failings of my English teachers haven't stunned my career progression.
''if you struggle to make it FAKE IT '' :)
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Views: 1913
I think it's very poor to pick someone up on their grammar and spelling on a public forum. I tend to be wary of this place these days because of the cliques and general nastiness, but I don't want to be linked to this business of picking on Andrew for his spelling mistakes.
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Views: 1942
Troy most people on this forum know who I am yet no regular fans know you as you hide behind both Nancy and Troy and after your sign in mistake the other day we know you are one. May I remind you that you called us "abhorrent and worse for wear" and never have we been nasty in reply. If you would like to make yourself known you would find us genuine Staines fans to actually be quite nice people.....
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Is he/she back?
Views: 1907
Am I to assume Troy/Nancy and his/her cronies are now back as paying 'Staines fans'. Last seasons 'campaign' to rid the club of 'undesirables' appears to have succeeded and attendances have plummeted! Match days are now more like a morgue without atmosphere. Where are your puritan mates that were going to fill the stand Troy/Nancy?
Has Sandra Sommerfeld come back?
Staines 'Boon' Town Football Club.
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Re: Grammar
Views: 1909
Now this guy is talking to himself !!!!
Danswan-"Attendance is nothing"
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Re: Grammar
Views: 1951
I don't know why anyone still gives Nancy/Troy the time of day. He's just out to annoy people and sadly he's still getting away with it.
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Views: 1994
He's only Nancy on a Friday!
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Previous thread: Great Pics from Saturday ... by Follow the Swans31/8/2014 20:08Sun Aug 31 20:08:59 2014view thread