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by Andrew6726/2/2014 10:25Wed Feb 26 10:25:34 2014 3 peopleview thread
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Attack verus defence
Views: 1878
Adding on from yesterday's comment. Which seems to have been met with the usual distain.
I would like to say that in my humble and not very knowledgeable opinion , it seems weird adding more attacking players to the squad when it seems we are crying out for a natural left back. this would free up max to play his attacking role on the left side .
But hey what do I know !!
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Thanks Andrew
Views: 1754
If ever I can't get to game, I know I can rely on you, for a great report, with humour. Keep it up Mate ! And Thanks
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Thanks Andrew
Views: 1814
If ever I can't get to game, I know I can rely on you, for a great report, with humour. Keep it up Mate ! And Thanks
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Re: Attack verus defence
Views: 1793
At least you post on this forum unlike many Swan fans!
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Re: Attack verus defence
Views: 1769
I totally agree with you that we need a new left back. No disrespect to Max but he should be left to what he does best.
As for yesterday’s game I take full responsibility. I got there late and heard the first goal while I was trying to find a space and the second while I was driving down nearby side streets. Having finally managed to get into the ground nearly 20 minutes late it all went pear shaped from then on. I should have given up and turned round and gone home. We might have won if I had.
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Always look on the bright side of life ...
Views: 1774
They had Bombadier, Pride and Tribute ... and Brendan looked quick!
Spot on though Andrew!
Wonder who we will get in the Cup Draw! #Maidstone 10-0 winners yesterday
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Previous thread: Sutton Away.. by Andrew6713/9/2014 19:47Sat Sep 13 19:47:49 2014view thread