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Charity collection
Views: 1928
Hi guys the club have very kindly agreed to allow one of our own Katie Axten to do a collection at this week's game for a joint charity.
Katie is doing a skydive on 25TH October for dementia UK a disease close to her heart with the money being shared with the heart unit st Peter's hospital in our old chairman's name Alan boon.
So please girls & guys dig deep and let's show Katie & all of Alan's relatives they are well thought of,thank you.
Details of Katie's sky dive can be found here,with direct contribution if you so desire
Come on you Swans
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on hold
Views: 1724
Sorry all but katies Nan is now very I'll and she's had to go visit her :( a very bad month for the axten house hold :( so store up yr pennies & pounds the collection will be done when katies up for it I'll keep you all posted thank you
Come on you Swans
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Previous thread: It's FA CUP Week ... by Follow the Swans25/9/2014 16:33Thu Sep 25 16:33:30 2014view thread